Friday, February 26, 2010

Seminar Sehari Linux

Sehari sebelum hari raya imlek dan valentine yang jatuh bersamaan tahun ini pada tanggal 14 Feb 2010, saya menghadiri seminar sehari dengan tema "Linux Sebagai OS Alternatif" di SMK Negeri 4, Tangerang. Kali ini saya diundang sebagai pembicara pada seminar sehari tersebut, yang memang salah satu dari panitianya adalah rekan kerja saya.

Sebenarnya tema "Linux Sebagai Sistem Operasi Alternative" susah saya kritisi, karena arti kata "Alternatif" sendiri adalah sebuah pilihan kedua jika pilihan pertama tidak didapat. Oleh karena itu ketika saya berbicara pada seminar tersebut, saya memperbaiki temanya menjadi "Linux Sebagai Sistem Operasi Pilihan". Mengapa saya merubah temanya menjadi seperti tersebut? Karena Linux bukanlah alternatif dari sistem operasi lain, karena Linux adalah Linux dengan segala kelebihan dan kekurangannya. Sebelum menggunakan Linux kita sudah memilih, dan bukan terpaksa, dalam konteks 'Alternatif'.

Saat acara berlangsung yang diikuti oleh siswa kelas 10 SMK Negeri 4 Tangerang dengan berbagai bidang studi. Mereka sangat memperhatikan yang saya sampaikan, terutama siswa-siswa pada bidang studi rekayasa perangkat lunak. Beberapa hal yang saya sampaikan antara lain :

  • Pengantar sejarah sistem operasi di dunia komputer
  • Pro dan Kontra sistem operasi Linux
  • FSF, Open Source dan GNU Licenses
  • Tampilan Linux
  • Dan siapa saja yang menggunakan linux berdasarkan link ini
Saat saya menunjukan siapa saja yang menggunakan Linux sebagai sistem operasi, hampir seluruh siswa tercengang karena banyak perusahaan dan pemerintahan yang menggunakan Linux. Saya harap ini dapat merubah image di masyarakat tengan 'gratis' berarti 'kurang bagus'. Justru dengan adanya sesuatu yang 'gratis' bisa membuat kita tidak harus menjadi 'pembajak' hasil karya orang lain.

Senang sekali dapat berbicara pada acara-acara seminar tenang Linux dan Open Source seperti ini dan berbagi pengetahuan kepada sesama pemuda Indonesia. Semoga acara-acara seperti ini dapat lebih banyak dilakukan oleh kita pemuda Indonesia dengan inisiatif dan semangat kebersamaan membangun bangsa ini menjadi lebih baik, setidaknya dengan cara dan kemampuan kita masing-masing.

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Monday, February 22, 2010

A Wife's Prayer

Dear Lord,

Help me to be the kind of wife you want me to be.

Help me not to take my role as wife lightly or take my husband's love for granted.

Help me to be a good listener, giving my husband my full attention so that I will be well aware of his concerns, aspirations, and needs.

Help me to pay attention to the advice my husband gives me when he brings things to my attention that I may be doing wrong or that I could be doing better.

Help me to be more anxious to please my husband than to have my own way.

Help me to be aware of the things that I do that upset my dear husband - and enable me not to keep doing them - so that I will not be causing unnecessary problems in our relationship.

Help me to remember that I am commanded to submit to my husband's role as head of the house even if he fails to faithfully submit to the headship of Christ.

Help me to treat my husband better than when we were first met and remind me of the importance of spending quality time alone with him and of doing things to remind him of how special he is to me.

Help me not to jump to conclusions about my husband's motives and enable me to think the best of him at all times.

Help me to apologize and set things straight when I complain, falsely accuse, act selfishly, or say unkind or provoking words.

Help me to go out of my way to complement him and to encourage him.

Help me to be a proper example of what a loving, considerate, caring, and self-sacrificing wife should be.

Help me to realize that it is my job to be an example of a mature and godly wife and not an example of a disrespectful and selfish child.

Help me to be joyful in spite of my circumstances and help me to avoid whining and complaining when things do not go my way.

Help me to admit my faults, to apologize when I am wrong, and to be anxious to heal wounds that I may have caused in my relationship to my husband.

Help me to realize that is far better to get my husband to do things I want him to do because he loves me and not because I nag him.

Help me to never forget that You gave me my husband to be a helpmate and best friend and may I never think of him as an adversary or a hindrance.

Help me to show my children how much I respect and love their father by my actions and by the words out of my mouth.

Help me not to be afraid to be affectionate and loving towards my husband in front of my children so that they will know how to be good spouses when they grow up.

Help me to support my husband in the proper administration of discipline to our children so they are not a burden or a grief to my husband.

Help me to show my children that my husband is truly my very best friend and a highly trusted partner in the ministry of our family.

Make me the kind of wife who my husband will never regret having married and even more than that, make me the kind of wife who is a joy for my husband to be around and who my husband will be proud to call his wife, a woman who honors him and who honors Christ.


Article By My Friend's Fiancee

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